Virtual Academy is addressed to youth workers, educators, and professors. The objective is to train the target group through interactive forums and online meetings, to improve dialogue and intercultural exchange between the participants. The training is structured in 2 cycles, with a total of 4 sessions of 30 hours each, and includes 100 persons in total.

The training will be based on the curriculum and methodology developed by each partner during the project for the development of the Virtual Academy. Each partner will thus be responsible for ensuring the achievement of the objectives and the quality and efficiency of the academy.

Upskilling Lab is addressed to young people from higher education institutions, youth organizations, and local bodies. The main objective is the development of transversal skills, with a special focus on intercultural and entrepreneurial ones, such as relationship and collaboration abilities, teamwork, problem-solving approach, EU values… The training includes online discussions, role simulations, and group tasks in order to enhance all kinds of competencies, from the linguistic field to the cultural one.  The training is structured in 2 cycles, with a total of 10 sessions of 30 hours each, and includes 1100 persons in total.

The training will be based on the curriculum and methodology developed by each partner during the project for the development of the Upskilling Lab. Each partner will thus be responsible for ensuring the achievement of the objectives and the quality and efficiency of the Upskilling Lab.

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